Monthly Archives: May 2012

Watch your words……

Relatives are a funny thing.  You have the ones you are so close with, and then you have the ones who wouldn’t throw water on you if you were on fire.  I wish I could say I only had the close ones, but unfortunately, I do have one that hates me.

Most of you that know me, know that I am 99% of the time easy going, and non-confrontational.  I hate arguments, I hate yelling and screaming.  If it starts, I will be the first to tell you, that I walk away.  Which in turn makes the other person even more pissed off at me.  Well, wait, if it is a stranger that pisses me off, I go full force at them.  I don’t care if I look like I am a lunatic on crack.  You will not get the best of me, if you don’t know me.  On the other hand, if it is someone I know, like a friend or family, I try not to fight.  I don’t like it when people fight in front of me either, I actually get embarrassed.  I know, I have issues, but like one of my favorite Bon Jovi songs, it’s my life.

So, this person, who I haven’t spoken to in about 5 years, hates me because of the nasty things I said when I was angry and we were arguing.  I said some really bad and hurtful things, but once words are out there, you can’t take them back.  You can move on, but you can’t forget.  This was an argument that should never have escalated to the point it did, but it did…….

I have tried to apologize, I really have.  I am now at the point where I have given up.  I truly believe that even if I was on my death bed, this person wouldn’t give a shit.

This person will never read this, I have been blocked on FB, and basically blocked in life……it’s sad….because I know I said some things that were wrong, but to basically act like I don’t exist is worse than any mean words that can be said.

Just remember, when you are fighting with a someone you love, watch your words.  You can never take them back, they will always be out there, whether you say sorry or not.